Hello! So I’m having to make the decision to close down this blog and not add to it any more after this post. Unfortunately some of my clients from work have found the blog, and I no longer feel comfortable using it due to the nature of the work that I do. For those of you that I know still email me/message me etc about my journey, I am more than happy to give you details to a new page if/when I set it up☺️ But for now, it’s been sweet and this was so useful for me when I was a very poorly bean! Dais xo
Through the 12-step program, sobriety = abstinence from your addiction. Come January 7th, I should technically be "3 years sober". I've been thinking over the past year how comfortable I feel in using the term sober, because I certainly have not abstained from old eating disorder behaviours. I feel as though if I claim to be 3 years sober, it would ultimately be a lie. How can I write about it being okay to have blips and talk about the fact that recovery isn't linear, while at the same time talking about sobriety? It's dishonest and misleading. I've decided that for me, I no longer want to use the term sober. It doesn't reflect the reality of recovery for me. So for now, 3 years in recovery is how I will approach January 7th. It'll be 3 years since I accepted that I had an eating disorder, 3 years since I started to give up control, and educated myself on the realities of what I was doing to myself and other people. Recovery is so so hard. Especia...