I seem to have a small obsession with the stationary shop:
Paperchase. I just feel like it's such a magical place, where all of your stationary needs and wishes come true. Over the years I have brought MANY things from
Paperchase, and although this is incredibly tragic when it comes to my bank balance...my
rewards card is full of points!
Anyways...A few weeks back I went into the magical land of
Paperchase and impulsively bought a meal planning book. It has Llamas on it...LLAMAS!

When I got a chance to have a proper look at it, it really motivated me to plan my meals each week to ensure I was eating properly and keeping myself hydrated. So last week, I sat down by myself and wrote myself a meal plan for this week Mon-Fri. Within my plan were loads of healthy meals and snack that I do not feel guilty about eating. I'm now on day 4/5 of preparing meals that I have planned in advance, and I've tried my very hardest to cook my meals from scratch. Most of the meals I have made so far have been so yummy and I know my mum would be impressed with me. However tonight I attempted a lasagne, and it didn't go to plan. I tried?
I'm really hoping that when I go to the doctors tomorrow to be weighed and assessed that I will have put on a healthy amount of weight, but we shall see.
Keep Smiling,
Daisy May xo
That lasangna is almost looking great!!