Nearly a week ago, I went to my local specialist treatment centre for an assessment of my ED. I'm going to write about my experience of the assessment, and try to describe how I felt during it. On top of this, I will also try and give some advice to those of you who may have assessments in the future.
The night before...
The evening before the assessment was possibly one of the most terrifying evenings I have experienced in a long time. It seems completely irrational now that I was scared of getting help, but at the time I had so many fears. I wasn't told what my assessment would entail of, so I used the dreaded 'google' to research what may happen, however this just added even more anxiety to my already prevalent worries. I knew that I had a couple of people around me who have been through the assessment progress before, so I decided to ring one of them to ask questions and get my fears out in the open. This is seriously something I would suggest, even if you don't know anyone who has been through the process before, allowing yourself to voice your fears is really useful. Very often, family and friends are able to tell you when your thoughts are irrational and help you put them into perspective. This is exactly what my friend did for me, and I will be forever grateful. I needed that boost in confidence in order for me to get up the next morning to attend my assessment.
The morning of the assessment/ the assessment itself:
One of the hardest parts of the day was actually just leaving the house. There was nobody forcing me to go, and nobody making sure that when I left the house, that I actually turned up to my assessment. For me, this felt good because I was completely in control of the situation. However I knew deep down that I needed to go, I need the help so that I can complete my degree and actually enjoy life without having negative thoughts bringing me down every day.
The assessment started by filling out questionnaires for about half an hour, the questions were assessing my mental health as a whole, but I really don't agree with the use of questionnaires. When filling the questionnaires out, I knew exactly what answers would make them concerned and what answers would make them less concerned. This went through my mind throughout filling the questionnaires out, but I knew that I just had to be honest. I made the decision to break up with Ana, not stay in a toxic relationship with her.
The next and final part of the assessment involved talking to a mental health nurse for just over an hour. She asked me questions regarding any fears I have, what I didn't like about myself, my own personal explanation for my eating habits, and what I would like to change. It was all quite hard hitting, as I had to explore events in my past that may have contributed to my eating difficulties that I am currently experiencing.
I was pleased to know that I didn't have to be weighed, and I didn't have to have any observations done, which calmed my nerves a lot.
Advice for those of you with upcoming assessments:
- · If you are nervous or have negative feelings towards the assessment, talk to someone you trust. They will help you and help you realise when your thoughts are irrational.
- · Have breakfast and a drink before you go for your assessment. This is something I wish I had done, as my stomach was rumbling throughout the whole assessment which made the butterflies I already had about 10 times worse.
- · If you are too scared to go alone, take someone with you for moral support. Most places will allow you to have a member of your family or a friend with you for some of the assessment. This is especially useful if you are thinking of not turning up to your appointment.
- · Take something to fiddle with. It sounds ridiculous but it is so useful when you're nervous! For example, I have a nifty little stress reliever called a 'tangle'. These can be purchased on Amazon, and I would highly recommend them! (
- · If you have to fill out questionnaires, go with the first answer that comes to your mind, as this is probably the most realistic feeling. Try not to worry about what answers you put, they are there to help the professionals help you!!
- · When talking to a mental health nurse/therapist, be open and honest. Don't be scared that things may seem 'silly' or 'irrelevant', because most of the time, these things aren't silly, or irrelevant at all.
- · It's okay to get emotional during the assessment, there are most probably things you are asked about that you never verbalise your feelings on. Plus I'm 100% sure that other people have sat and unloaded their emotions as well.
- · After the assessment, keep yourself busy for the day, and surround yourself with happy people if you can! If you are alone, you're more likely to dwell on things and that will make you feel crap :(
- · BE PROUD OF YOURSELF!!! You've taken the hardest step in recovery which is admitting you need help and allowing help to be given. Go and buy yourself something that makes you super happy! (I bought myself a little notebook!)
I seriously hope that this will help someone in some way.
Lots of love,
Lots of love,
Daisy May xo
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