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Showing posts from August, 2019


I want to write about something that upset me initially when I heard about it but upset me even more when family members of mine supported it. That’s right, it’s the dreaded ‘Kurbo’ app by Weight Watchers/ WW. I just want to have a bit of a rant and write down all the reasons why this app is SO messed up. I understand that childhood obesity all over the world is quite high, and I completely get that this can be dangerous, however shouldn’t we be looking at the reasons behind this and trying to prevent it with healthy measures? If a child is at risk of becoming severely overweight, or is overweight, you’d like to think that their family/school/health care professionals would pick up on this and put a plan together? A child could be overweight for several reasons, not just because they are eating ‘bad foods’ or as Kurbo calls them ‘Red Foods’- which brings me to a point on traffic-lighting food. If you are teaching a child to traffic light their food and track their weight, it put...

I scream, You scream, We all scream for Ice Cream

18 months ago... Ice Cream: ... Daisy: CRIES  Ice Cream: ?? So fear foods are a thing that you have to tackle in recovery. I was lucky enough to tackle a lot of my fear foods when I was in treatment, in fact I managed to tackle 95% of them which is great! However the one food I've always been 'funny' with is ice cream. I'd always used the excuse that I just didn't like it, and over time I tricked myself and others into thinking this really was the reason I didn't ever have it. But oh how far from the truth that was. Until I tried it again properly when I was in treatment, I hadn't realised that it was actually LUSH (I keep saying lush...I can't!). In treatment I tackled shop brought ice creams, such as magnums, soleros etc. I found these hard, but I knew that the ice cream I feared most was scooped or tubbed ice cream. I got away without having it when I was away, and have only attempted having it twice since coming back fr...